Thought Leadership

SXSW Interactive Welcomes Mitchell Habib

March 9, 2014

Mitchell Habib Speaks at 2011 Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets SymposiumMitchell was honored to speak at the 2014 South by Southwest Interactive festival, which showcased hundreds of presentations from the brightest minds in technology, digital media and the startup community. He presented case studies and an innovation tool kit for “doing well and doing good” by serving the world’s growing consumer population in developing markets.


Mitchell Habib Presents at the World Marketing Summit

March 1, 2012

Mitchell spoke at the inaugural World Marketing Summit in Dhaka, Bangladesh about how consumer insights help create a better world. The Summit, jointly hosted by the Government of Bangladesh and marketing guru Professor Philip Kotler, brought together global leaders in marketing and branding to discuss how marketing philosophies and insights can generate innovative solutions to some of the world's biggest challenges. The Hindustan Times reported the details of Mitchell's case studies, which illustrated how Nielsen works to illuminate consumer preferences and social conditions in emerging nations, helping global brands satisfy their customers' most important needs.

Reinterpreting Moore’s Law: 1960’s Vision, Current Reality by Mitchell Habib

November 1, 2010

Moore’s Law predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double about every two years and promised lower information technology costs as a direct outcome. Mitchell writes about the paradox of Moore’s law: that CPU, memory and storage costs have declined over the past 40 years as predicted, but the costs to store and process exponentially increasing amounts of data, and the need for smart people to analyze it, have increased at the same rate.

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